Flower Decoration
Mike and Michelle


Our celebration of love and union was a tremendous success and we loved every minute of it! For those of you able to make it to Tucson for the festivities, we hope that you also enjoyed yourselves and each other. If you couldn't make it, check out the photo links below.

Aside from this front page, our website doesn't have any new updates. But we do have a few announcements...

Please feel free to look at our photographer's website that he created for us to see hundreds of memories from the celebration. We had a busy summer after the wedding, enjoying our honeymoon(s) in Mexico, Vegas, and Italy. Somewhere in there, Mike participated in the Orff Music training and Michelle delivered a Tribes Learning Communities training in London, and we bought a house in Tucson. With luck on our side and a favorable nod from the "mortgage gods", we will be homeowners on September 7th!

We are writing our thank you notes and have discovered that three of our gifts arrived without any names attached. We'd like to properly thank you for your generosity, so please send one of us an email if you gave us (1) a DeLonghi espresso maker purchased from Target, (2) a BonJour creme brulee set wrapped in floral paper with a unique green bow, or (3) a "picnic basket backpack" set. We love the gifts and want to properly thank you, so don't be shy.

Our last announcement is that we have acquired a fancy new device called a MagicJack (thanks Jan!) that gives us a "local" Tucson phone number. If our computer is on, we can call each other easily... try it! 520.284.0296. Just remember that we are eleven hours ahead.

~ From Russia with love, Michelle and Mike